Netflix Is Better Than Ever This April - Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

Billy is not one of those children who loves watching TV. It's probably a good thing in lots of ways but let's be honest, the owl TV comes in handy when you need to put the dinner on or give the place a quick once-over. In fact, his party trick is turning the television off. He prefers books most of the time.

However, when he likes something he REALLY likes it. One such thing is Disney's Frozen. He absolutely adores it. Specifically “do you want to build a snowman”. His version of it goes a little something like “naaaaaaan”. But we know what he is singing and he absolutely has a future in the music industry.

When we moved in to our current home the lady who lived here before had a tub of Frozen themed hand soap in the bathroom. Even then Billy would lose his mind when he saw the photo of Elsa and Anna. He'd shout and point and get very excited. So now “naaaaan” is themed with his newest word which is “DOP”. Also known as soap. Sometimes he attempts “naaaan DOP” and I know exactly what he is getting at.

So yes, he is a massive fan of frozen. It's completely adorable. He goes in to his own little world when he hears the movie starting. It's amazing that even at such a young age my little toddler is developing a personality and he has preferences and his own taste. It's an amazing thing to see unfold.

I was literally over the moon when this month Netflix announced that Frozen was being added. I am not a very techy person but in those times where Billy is asking to watch “naaaan” even I can very easily switch it on via Netflix. I can't emphasize enough how user friendly it is.

There really is something for every child on Netflix. With favourites like Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig available at the touch of a button it really is the ultimate resource for all of your children's favourites. The best thing about Netflix is that your child can watch what they want to watch WHEN they want to watch. We've all been in that situation where at a certain time our child requests a specific TV show. Chances are the show you want is not on at that exact moment. With Netflix you really do have a new level of control.

There has never been a time to subscribe to Netflix. It gets better every single month and this April we are most excited about Kung Fu Panda 2 for Billy. He has a new obsession with "Dandas" whenever he sees them. I feel I can only thank the Panda Snapchat filter for that one to be honest.... 

And for Mammy and Daddy? REALLY looking forward to seeing this movie which has just been added. There is a bowl of popcorn and packet of Malteasers with my name on it. Date nights at home are becoming more and more enjoyable these days now that the little man sleeps better

As a member of the Netflix Streamteam we have been given a free subscription to Netflix but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own. I genuinely love the service. We like to keep you up to date with what Netflix have to offer and we really do recommend it. 
